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YOUR reality won't change until Your MIND changes

Re-Program your Mind

Your mind creates your reality! The work with your subconscious mind through hypnosis is one of the most powerful and fastest working therapy techniques (scientifically proven) you can choose in order to change certain behaviors, overcome fears and liberate yourself from limitations. 

Why? Because your subconscious mind makes up over 95% of your brain and contains all your belief systems. Your subconscious mind creates your reality according to your current belief system. 

In order to overcome behavior patterns, fears, becoming confident, healing trauma, creating wealth, finding a partner etc. I help you to install new supporting beliefs so that you can create the reality you desire.


The topics we can work on with hypnosis are almost limitless. 

Book your free Breakthrough Call now and let’s find out if we’re a good fit.

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Programme: Willkommen
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Programme: Challenges

What is Hypnosis?

One of my favorite tools that I am using frequently in my coaching session is hypnosis. This technique works on such a deep level of the subconscious mind which is very important when it comes to changing behavior patterns, trauma healing or personal development work.

Hypnosis itself is a heightened state of suggestibility and at the same time natural state and we all go through that state of mind multiple times a day. So if you’re waking up in the morning and still feeling half asleep, that is hypnosis. When you are watching a movie and you are laughing, crying, feeling all the emotions provoked by it, that is hypnosis. There are much more examples of what hypnosis is and how we’re experiencing it on a daily basis. That is why everyone can be hypnotized.

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“The true magic lies inside of you.”

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First it is important to know that your conscious makes up 5% of your brain and your subconscious 95%. Your conscious mind entails logic, will power, reasoning and decision making. As we go through our day it feels like we would operate on 100% of our brain when in fact we actually just controlling 5%, 95% happens under our level of awareness. Our subconscious mind contains associations, how we see the world, our filters and belief systems, things we like and things we don’t like. The  subconscious mind is “protected” by a logical based filter called the critical mind. 

When we are born up until the age of 8 we’re like little sponson, we’re soaking everything up as a complete truth. The critical mind begins to be developed between the age of 8 until 12. Up until then things being said to us, behaviors towards us or us witnessing we believe to be accurate. Once the critical mind is fully developed it makes sure that thoughts, actions, behaviors are aligned to the belief systems we have in our subconscious mind.

However these belief systems often don’t support a certain change we want to create or new behaviors patterns we want to establish or healing from trauma that happened to us. Let’s say you want to increase your income and you tell yourself “I will make 10k cash month from now on.” That thought comes into your mind and the critical mind checks in your subconscious mind for beliefs that are supporting that thought. But all it can find is “Money is hard.”, “Money brings out the worst in people.” or “I don’t deserve to make a lot of money.” What happens? The new thought get kicked out of your mind and nothing changes.

The good news are when you are in hypnosis the critical mind is turned off. We can go into your subconscious mind and reprogram the belief system and install new ones. New belief systems that support the wanted change or new behavior or healing from trauma. Pretty cool right?

Besides that hypnosis and any other techniques like NLP, EFT and Reiki (which I am also integrating in my coaching) working with the subconscious mind, works 4 times faster than talking therapy.

Why is the work with the Subconscious mind so important?

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Programme: Bewertungen


I just had a session with Sarah and have to say that she is absolutely AMAZING! I have worked with many healers in the past and in just one session she held the perfect space to help me release the many layers I had held on to for so long. So grateful!

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